
What I been listening lately

 I don’t know how to sum up my favorite type or music in general, because is always changing. So, in this blog I’m going to talk about what I been listening lately. I really like to discover an artist and listen to all or the majority of their discography, sometimes are artist that I been knowing for a while and don’t make myself a time for listening all their songs, and other times they are totally new to me.  In the last months I been listening to some artists that I really like, and this are: Rina Sawamaya, I read in so many places that she and her album were so good, but I didn’t listen it until November, and to my liking, it was true, its really good. Tyler, the Creator and Kali Uchis, I name then together because they have a song called See you again and is one of my favorites, but apart for that song I hadn't heard much from them individually, so that’s what I been doing lately, I love their different styles and Kali is Colombian and sing in Spanish to, so is even better. An

Food that I love the most

I love food in general, I don’t consider myself a very picky person when it respects to different types of food and I love trying new things, but if I have to select what I love the most, it would be to the side of the sweets. There’s salty food that I love too, like lasagna and sea food, but sweet things are just superior to my taste. I love almost all types of desserts and sweet things in general, like cakes, ice cream, fruits, pies, etc. And I say almost because even if I like it, I’m not a big fan of package candy. My top three of different thigs that I love the most would be, in non-particular order: carrot cake from a bakery called Dulceines here in Los vilos, I love everything they do, but that cake is my ultimate favorite. Lemon pie from my mom, she’s been doing the same recipe since forever and I never tasted a better one in other place. Yogurt, honey and nuts ice cream, this one I tasted it in the city of Florencia, Italy, and is the best ice cream that I have tasted in my li

Sunday, 10/25/2020.

 I think we all know what happened on Sunday, October 25, it was the day that we voted for the plebiscite that would decide the approval or rejection of a new constitution for Chile, it is crazy to think about everything that has happened from October 2019 to the present. Especially because with the current situation in the world, time sometimes feels a bit unreal. In my case, now I am in my hometown, Los Vilos. So, I got up in the morning and went to vote, this is my first time voting and it is even more memorable that it could have been such an important election as this. Later in the day, when they were counting the votes it was by far the best moment, it gave me happiness to see people celebrating and I would like to been part of it, but I am also clear that from now on there is a long way to go and I hope this country can change for the better, and do everything possible to achieve it.

Place i'd like to travel to

There’s a lot of places that I wish I could go, but I think right now I really want to go to Greece, my first place will always be Italy, but I been lucky because my mom and aunt are big fans of traveling (my aunt is a cabin attendant in LATAM) so I went to Italy in 2017 and it was even better that I expected. Based in that experience and the similarities of the countries, I choose Greece. There’s a lot of reasons for my election, I always loved the history and architecture of the antique Greece and is an almost magical experience go to places where before was a whole civilization and trying to imagine how it was. Another not that important reason is the movie Mamma Mia, is a movie sited in Greece that I think watched more than 6 times, and a big reason of my initial interest for the country, I know that you can’t compare movies whit real places but I have plenty others reasons for liking the country so I don’t think is a problem.